Jiřina Černíková
e-mail: jirina@stastnyclovek.cz
tel. 723 946 439 Jirina Černíková attended seminars specialized on in-depth massages – Integration of breath and body, facilitated by renowned therapist Dagmar Jancova. She uses a method of integrating massage developed by the German physiotherapist Dr. Ludwig Schmitt, who introduced into medical practice the use of breathing to support the natural healing powers of the body.
She makes a choice of massages according to the actual needs of the client. 60-minute massage
relaxing back, hip and arm muscles 90 or 120 minute massage A. Follow-on work focused on the shoulder bone and surrounding tissues leading to the release of deep muscle and ligament structures B. The follow-up massage in the chest and diaphragm. If necessary, massage in the side position of the body. She likes to take care of development and growth of living creatures, be it plants in her garden or people around her.
She often takes a look at the world through the lens of her camera, paying respect to its diversity. She enthusiastically reveals the patterns of detail in relation to the transcendent entirety.
She loves nature, music, summer meadows, fragrance of the spring soil and the silence of the white sleeping landscape.
She very much appreciates the brave people who are able to rise above the self-interest, take personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions with all their effects, protect the weaker ones and fight against injustice. The Dalai-Lama´s Prayer “May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
And a servant to all in need.”

Kateřina Erlebachová
e-mail: katerina@stastnyclovek.cz
tel. 723 326 388 Education Background: Training in non-verbal psychotherapy techniques – organized by the Section of Psychotherapeutic Society of Czech Medical Association Training in Physical Therapy as Part of Psychotherapy – conducted by the Section of Psychotherapeutic Society of Czech Medical AssociationCompleted Prague Faculty of Psychotherapy, VIAP Three years of study program completed by probation Training in Telephone Crisis Intervention. Conducted by Remedium Prague. Completed by professional re-qualification exam. RTKI 12001 – 16. 7. 2001 Special seminars on in-depth work with body and breath, and integrative massage after Dr. Schmitt. Taken under Dagmar Jančová, special therapist. Special training on Body and Breath Therapy after Dr. Schmitt, courses 1 and 2. Three years period of seminars focused on experience group in PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor) therapy under tutorship of PhDr. Yvonna Lucká a PhDr. Luboš Kobrle. Retraining in fitness and relaxation massage (Dexter Academy) Special program on massage for pregnant women and children (Dexter Academy) Massage by Dr. Breuss (Dexter Academy) Accredited training – „Anatomy in Motion“ Accredited program –„Contemporary Scenic Dance“, under tutorship of Zuna and Milan Kozánek (Slovakia) Accredited by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 17949/2001 – 25–30Seminar training on Monitoring Technique of Physical Focusing Experience, courses 1, 2, 3. One year training in therapeutic work with focus on Touch Difference and Biorelease in Massage (relief on cellular level) under tutorship of RNDr. Květa Palusková She is inspired by nature, music, stories, philosophy oriented towards respect, self-development and health-consciousness, seeking for new ways to make life easier, authentic sharing. She loves glittering of red metal pitchers, snow, moon, she likes look at the faces of musicians as they play, wind playing with hair, sound of whisper, stockings with holes, trees, winking of cats, fragrance of Finnish moss, tea, smell of coriander, autumn, bees. Favorite sayings: He who loves his dog should love him with his fleas. African wisdom What is behind and ahead of us is a trifle in comparison with what is in us. R. Emerson God gave you face. Smiling is up to you. Irish wisdom Give yourself to love and cooking without respect of their dangers. Dalai Lama None of us is as smart as we are all combined. Japanese wisdom Let him who wishes to say the truth leave the elegance to the tailor. A. Einstein Wise man is like water – it benefits all and competes with none. Lao-c Life is shrinking or magnifying according to the measure of our courage. A. Nin All things that happen have some meaning – perhaps with the exception of soccer. T. Pratchett The reason why we don’t dare to surmount a problem is not that it is difficult. Things are difficult because we don’t dare. Seneca Hurry – not anymore! Thich Nhat Hanh What happens when we take the reins of our life in our own hands? A horrible thing! We will find no one to blame. E. Jongová When nothing works, cake always works. Anonymous To be born means to be chosen. Celtic wisdom Be with your fear or your fear will be with you. Buddhist wisdom |